Best in Class Commercial Wood Fences in Rochester, MN

Affordable & Beautiful Wood Fencing


American Fence Company of Minnesota selects only tree species and wood grades that are unmatched and uncommon in their affordability and their quality. You’ll be getting a high quality product for your commercial property when you hire this fence company in Rochester.

Wide Wood Fence Material Selection


American Fence Company of Minnesota is proud to share the widest array of wood fence options in Rochester and the Midwest. Check out our selection, which includes White Fir, Douglas Fir, White Pine, Incense Cedar, and Western Red Cedar.

Expert Fence Installation in Rochester


Having perfected the craft of wood fence installation in Rochester for more than 55 years, we recognize the art behind building the ideal perimeter fence for commercial clients. All of our fence installation staff is knowledgeable about the process.




Commercial Wood Fences in Rochester, MN

Here at American Fence Company of Minnesota, we are extremely selective about the types of wood fence materials we use in constructing fences for our clients. Only the premier, highest of quality trees and wood grains are sourced — with tree species including Douglas Fir, White Pine, and cedar. Our tremendous buying power and colossal inventory of fencing materials — the largest in the entire Midwest — means we can obtain the materials needed to build the fence of your dreams.


Is cedar still the top choice for wood fences in Rochester, MN?

Tight restrictions on North American and Canadian forestry has placed a limit on old growth cedar trees. Because of this, the majority of today’s cedar wood fencing derives from new growth, specifically a cedar species known for its swift growth and its minimal heartwood. These trees are usually harvested when they are smaller, which contributes to the lack of dark inner rings. In this day and age, the majority of cedar fencing in Rochester comes from sapwood.

The wood fence industry nowadays resorts to abundant tree species such as white fir and incense cedar, due to the limitations and restrictions on old growth. Greater in abundance, these trees provide more options for fencing boards.

Is it true that treated wood fencing is better than Douglas Fir, incense cedar, and western red?

It goes without that treated fence materials do not compare to cedar and Douglas Fir and their natural beauty. That said, white and red pine that has been treated and stained proves excellent choice when it comes to fence posts. Pine is very dense and strong and when enhanced with ACQ or ACQ2 pressure treatment becomes practically impenetrable. White and red wood fence posts tend to form cracks when they dry following treatment, although this is a natural process to be expected, and one that does not diminish the strength or longevity of your fence. However, if the cracks, which run along the grain of the wood fence post, become deep enough where you can see daylight, this is reason to be concerned. Red and white pine posts have been known to twist, as well, with the uneven drying. This, too, does not compromise the fence post’s quality or lifespan.

Do I need to stain my Douglas fir or cedar fence?

In the interest of maintaining your fence’s reddish or blonde color, consider staining within six weeks of your Rochester fence installation. The wood needs to be completely dry, so stain during a period of continued dry weather, where there has been no rain for at least a full week. Dry weather and conditions means the wood will be more likely to absorb and keep the stain. Staining itself tends to be a messy, complicated process, and without proper care taken, overspray can end up on your house or your neighbor’s property. For this reason, staining should only be applied on calm, dry days, with adjoining structures taped off and drop clothes lain to avoid staining from ending up on your lawn. The best solution, however, is to hire a knowledgeable and proven fence company in Rochester employing insured staining experts. American Fence Company of Minnesota is one such contractor.

Anticipate re-staining your fence every 2-3 years, and be sure that your wood fence in Rochester, MN is not being constantly subjected to sprinklers, as this can cause uneven patches of discoloration. The coarse surface of a wood fence means that brush staining can be tricky. Rolling-on staining tends to be easier, but the process results in more drips and runny patches. Spraying is very effective provided that you have experience and a good sense of when enough is enough. For the best results, spray the fence and quickly follow up with a brush staining. This will even out the staining application and produce optimal results.

What is the difference between sap wood and heartwood?

Cedar fencing used to come from old growth trees that, when harvested, had the width of a Volkswagen and had more heartwood than sapwood. The sapwood is the part of the tree through which sap and water flow; it functions very much like your own veins and arteries. The darker core of the tree consists of used sapwood and this is called heartwood. Essentially functioning as the tree’s backbone, heartwood doesn’t contain very much moisture and because of this shrinks less when it is dried out. Heartwood is also less prone to fungal development than the more moisture-heavy sapwood.

What should I use for my wood fence in Rochester, MN? Cedar fence posts or treated pine fence posts?

Use cedar or treated pine if concrete has been applied at the fence posts’ footing to shed water away from the posts. Here at American Fence Company of Minnesota, we used premium cedar posts that have been treated with ACQ2. Fence posts made of treated cedar pine tend to form a slight twist as well as cracks, though they nonetheless have been known to outlast cedar in terms of longevity. Cracks are less common in cedar but the posts may occasionally warp and, if not stained, gray out.

Are treated wood fence materials safe?

If you’re worried about family and pets being safe around your wood fence in Rochester, only use industry approved fence posts that have been ACQ treated. We recommend avoiding CCA (Cooper Chromate Arsenic) fence materials; and if you’re unsure how the materials are coated, look for a tag at either end of the post. For any questions, simply contact us, your number one fence contractor in Rochester.

What about wood fence gates in Rochester, MN?

For wood gates, we recommend using 4″ x 6″ fence posts on the hinge side of a 6′ gate. These are heavy duty. We also suggest the use of three hinges on each gate, and make sure the hardware is all powder coated to avoid rusting.

As my wood gate ages, will I have maintenance issues with it?

The wood fence gate posts holding your gate will naturally be exposed to unsettled soil, extreme changes in temperature, precipitation, frost, sunlight exposure, etc. All of this can cause the posts to shift, and even the slightest movement on the hinge will result in movement on the gate’s latch hasp. What this means, in short, is that your gate won’t patch properly.

What can I do to fix my wood fence gates in Rochester, MN?

If your gate has a standard fork latch — the kind that resemble two-prong pitchforks — it should not be affected by the gate posts’ movement. However, latches that employ a horizontal rod falling into a receiver will require adjustments if they are to remain functional. The same applies to standard door locks. If you have either of these, talk to your fence contractor in Rochester about four-way adjustable hinges for gates. These hinges move up and down, in and out, allowing you to adjust the gate to changing conditions — which, as well know, an annual thing in Rochester, Minnesota.

What nails do you recommend for my wood fence?

We, the number one fence contractor in Rochester, recommend galvanized or aluminized nails, ones that have been counter sunk to avoid them becoming loose and popping out.

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